Screen Fitness - Quadrant Training, Let's Take your fitness to the next level with a custom program

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November 19, 2105

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Do you even Lift effectively,Bro?

I am no stranger to the gym.  I have been lifting weights since a boy when I first saw my dad in our basement cranking out sets on his bench press with the old school home gym weights that were filled with sand.  I always wanted to be strong and fortunately it came natural to me as it was in my genes.  My older brothers were athletes and I would tag along when they went to the gym and practice.  In high school I had the opportunity to take a weight lifting class which was my favorite class by far!  In college I trained with a strength and conditioning coach and later became a certified strength and conditioning specialist.

I tell you all this to tell you that all that doesn't mean crap.  You can have all the experience or all the education or all the talent as it related to weight lifting and strength training but what does it matter if you're not teaching or doing the exercises effectively.  I know proper lifting technique, I've studied physiology and kinesiology but I didn't understand that I was not lifting effectively until I started training for body building and competing in the NPC men's physique division. See I do believe there are textbook or should I say standard ways to teach resistance training technique that will make the movement more efficient and minimize the risk of injury. I also believe that this is only a guideline to follow and not an absolute.  

Let me use myself as an example I am 6'2" and my arms measure 43" from shoulder to finger tip.  I have been doing the bench press since I started lifting but my pecs are my most underdeveloped muscle.  My technique is text book but with my long arms that range of motion doesn't activate my pectoral muscles much at all, so what I have learned to do is use the mind muscle connection to find the proper technique that fits me.  In order to compensate I have to use a wider grip and the range of motion goes from eye level at peak to the clavicle.  Now my pecs get the work they deserve on the bench press.  

Next time you hit the weights ask yourself are you lifting effectively??  If your technique is not activating the proper muscles then you need to make it your own and find what works for you.  I will add that this strategy is for advanced lifters everyone else ask your coach about it.

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November 12, 2102

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Flexible Eating and Macro Nutrient Based Nutrition

Over the past few months I have been very busy researching and experimenting with the Flexible Eating nutrition philosophy.  Flexible eating or IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) is not a brand new concept, it has been around for many years but recently it has gain a lot of traction in the bodybuilding space.  I am always sceptical when it comes to these fad diets and nutrition regimens which promise unrealistic results with unsustainable practices.  Refreshingly I have come to understand more about the Flexible Eating concept and it speaks to what we have already known for years about how the human body works and how we metabolize and digest our food.  So it is really not a new breakthrough science discovery but more so a methodology and philosophical approach to eating healthy but being flexible and still allowing us to reach our goals.

Flexible eating is not an excuse to eat a bunch of junk, but it does allow you to choose your foods and work the choices you make into your diet.  This approach to eating takes a lot of work so if you are looking for an easy way out this is not for you.  You must look up and record the macro nutrient make up of everything you eat and drink.  If you are unable to do this you will not be successful with Flexible eating, I will go even further to say if you can't do that you will not be successful long term with ANY individual goal based diet.

Flexible eating goes a little further than just tracking calories you must record your intake of proteins, carbs/fiber, and fats(Macro Nutrients).  All calories are not created equal and your individual goal based Macro Nutrient numbers will reflect the nutrients in the specific quantities that will get you to your goal safely, efficiently and effectively.

As I learn more and begin applying this approach to my current and new clients I will post more information. This is will be an ongoing topic for discussion at Screen Fitness so if you want more information on how you can get on a Flexible eating plan please contact me You can always get more information from
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January 1, 2100

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Step by Step instructions to create a Macro nutrient diet plan for you best body ever

Whoever said that diets don't work lied!  Diets are very effective when the goal is short - mid term. Although long term dietary habits should be the ultimate goal, those of us who seek the challenge of defining our physique within a given time frame should follow a very specific diet plan.  I do believe that the practice of dieting can have a positive effect on long term nutrition behavior, in the sense that you must think about the nutritional content of your food and be consistent with the execution of the plan.  Being a health conscious shopper/cook and being persistent are key skills in healthy living.  Alternatively we must recognize that setting unrealistic goals, failure to follow through with a diet, binge eating, and yo-yo dieting can put your health at risk.

Diets are highly individual and goal oriented.  Because it impossible to meet with each of you individually I want to give you the tools you need to create a personalized diet plan.  This will require you to read, learn, and do some work but the results will be well worth the time.  If you need me to help you through this process you can always email or call me and I will create a plan for you for a small fee.

The nutrition concept I am speaking of is called 'If It Fits My Macros' or IIFYM.  I am not going to explain the science behind it because you can read about it on your own HERE, but it is very effective nutrition program.  Here are the steps you need to take:
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December 31, 2099

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Don't lose sight of your Goals in the Summer

Summer time used to mean 3 months of relaxation but over the years I have found that life becomes even more hectic during the summer months for me.  The kids, the camps, vacation, parties, family reunions etc. 

But don't let "I'm too busy" keep you from the things which are really important like your commitment to your health.  One way to help stay focused is to write down your fitness goals and put them in a highly visible place and read them or visualize then at least once a day.

If you haven't already made a specific goal(s) outline your can follow my easy goal setting 101 template for each goal:

1. WHAT results do you specifically want to achieve through fitness or nutrition?
Be precise or don't bother moving to the next step.

2. WHY is the achievement of this goal(s) so important? Be clear on
the key drivers and motivation or the first obstacle will be your

3. WHO will help you to achieve this goal? Be sure that these are
the right people, with the right talents.

4. WHERE do you currently stand in relation to this goal? Be
ruthless and identify the size of the performance gap.

5. HOW do you plan on accomplishing this goal? Be deliberate,
identify the exact steps, tasks, and assign responsibility.

6. WHEN will victory be claimed? Be committed, enforce your
deadline, and follow one course until successful.

Keep pushing!
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Losing weight starts with 3 questions

So you have decided you want to lose weight?

You do a quick Google search on weight loss and immediately you are inundated with advertisements for magic supplements, DVD guided workout programs, Trendy diet books, and Celebrity fitness trainers.

So where do you start?

First take a few seconds to answer these three questions:

1.) Why do you want to lose weight? (** Reason)
2.) How did you become (** Reason)? (**Cause)
3.) How can you positively affect (** Cause)? (**Goal)

The answer to these three questions are paramount to having a successful weight loss journey. Most people should already know the answer to the first question.

“I want to lose 15 lbs to be in a wedding.”
“My doctor says I need to lose weight to improve blood pressure.”

The purpose in these goals alone is not enough to sustain your commitment and motivation when the journey gets hard. Please believe the journey will not be easy. You must dig deeper into your reason.  Answer each question with brutal honesty
to uncover the true goal at hand.  Then you can create an action plan.  Only then can a true long term extreme weight loss transformation occur.  Keep Pushing!
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